AED’s in the Workplace

AED’s in the Workplace

AED’s in the Workplace

AED's in the workplace are not as common as you might think. With around 13% of workplace deaths being due to the vicitim suffering from a cardiac arrest, it is suprising how few businesses provide this vital life saving piece of equipment.

Once you understand what sudden cardiac arrest is, what the treatment for it is and how easy it can be for your workplace to help manage, we are sure you will be on the same page as us about having a defibrillator in your workplace if you don't already.


Let’s get started

Our Guide AED’s in the Workplace includes:

What does an AED do?Workplace Health & Safety

The Health and Safety at Work Act is designed to protect workers from the risk of harm, including stressors at work. This duty extends beyond just what can be done by a person conducting business or undertaking as it also applies in cases where they are not directly involved with managing health risks faced on site such as through monitoring employee reactions towards certain tasks.

Ensuring your workplace has the correct fire extinguishers for preventing fires from getting out of control as well first aid kits with all sorts-of goodies inside them is obvious to all businesses from a risk management perspective. But did you know that there are only around five related deaths per week in the workplace in the UK. Clearly the fire safety precautions that are imposed through legislation are working.


Is Sudden Cardiac Arrest In The Workplace Worth Worrying About?Is Sudden Cardiac Arrest In The Workplace Worth Worrying About?

What if I told you there are around 100 sudden cardiac arrests in workplaces in the UK every week, nearly 14 times those of fire related deaths. Sudden cardiac arrest is a condition where the heart stops beating. It can happen at any time, and there's no way of knowing when or where someone will collapse, if they do, minutes count! If you spot signs that somebody might have had SCA (such as not breathing), don't hesitate start performing CPR and use an AED immediately.


AED use in the workplaceAED use in the workplace

Surprisingly little regulation is in place from governments regarding workplace AED’s, however, educated, and compassionate employers will always ensure that all employees know how they can access this life-saving equipment should the need arise. After all we don't want any innocent people getting hurt because someone didn’t think ahead enough about what would happen if something went wrong—and luckily now there won't ever again thanks to YOU taking charge today with our helpful guide.

The importance of having an AED at your workplace cannot be understated. These devices are used for emergency situations where adults have stopped breathing or suffered heart arrests and need immediate assistance, such as in case their own heartbeat becomes undetectable by medical professionals until it's too late!


Buying A Workplace AEDWhat do I need to know when buying a workplace AED?

Ensuring you choose the right AED machine for your workplace is important. There are so many models and brands out there, but don't worry, we explain the most important factors to consider in our article What Do I Need To Know When Buying An AED Machine?


What AED training does my workplace need?What AED training does my workplace need?

The training of lay person first aid providers in how to use an AED is straightforward. This life-saving device can be used by anyone with simple training that can be added on to any BLS or CPR training program, but it often remains unused for some reason. It's unfortunate that people don't know how easy it is to provide care and just stand around waiting until for EMS to arrive rather than providing fast care themselves due to lack of simple training. Here at First Medical Training we provide the following workplace first aid programs with AED use included for all participants as standard:

If you need any help or advice regarding AEDs please contact us.

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